SMS LEGAL SOLUTIONS In the field of Labor and Social Security Law, from the beginning of the hiring process to the termination of the employment contract, arranging the relations between the worker and the employer, preparing service contracts, establishing procedures for hiring and layoffs, legal consultancy on labor law disputes and provides agency service.
As SMS LEGAL SOLUTIONS, Some of Our Services Provided in the Field of Labor and Social Security Law With Our Professional Team are as follows:
- Preparation of the employment contract,
- Auditing and interpreting the employment contract,
- Termination of the employment contract,
- Return to work,
- Severance pay
- Notice compensation case,
- Filing and follow-up of cases related to mobing and bad faith compensation,
- Use and calculation of overtime wages and annual leave,
- Consultancy on issues to be considered regarding worker and workplace safety,
- Resolution of contract termination and dismissal issues through peace or lawsuit,
- Insurance determination cases,
- Conducting termination audits in accordance with the provisions of the employment contract,
- Disclosures, warnings and their arrangement related to labor law,
- Compensation cases arising from work accident,
- Follow-up of cases related to the injuries, deaths and incapacity of employees
- Preparation of minutes, defense request letters, warning and termination notifications specific to each concrete situation